Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Glowing Unicorn Sighted Near Whitman Statue

The night of the total lunar eclipse, Jan. 20, 2019 saw a strange happening in downtown Walla Walla, Washington, according to several shocked onlookers. As the moon darkened to its ruddiest, a luminous figure appeared near the statue of Marcus Whitman which stands at the intersection of Boyer, Main and Palouse streets. It was a glowing unicorn. One witness was willing to talk about the experience with the condition that anonymity be maintained because this person does not wish to entertain questions about the realness of the experience. 

"I was standing at the corner waiting to cross, when something caught my eye. At first it looked like a  little wisp of smoke or steam but like it was catching some hidden light source. Then it grew and got dense. It was a horse, I thought, but as it became more distinct, it became clear that it was something even stranger. It was a unicorn and it appeared to be as corporeal as you or me. I turned to look at the person who had been standing next to me only to find that he was beating it South on Palouse as fast as his legs would go. Personally, I didn't find the unicorn frightening. It did trotted out into the intersection and snorted, pawing the ground with its front hoof before taking off in the same direction the dude had just retreated."